My first baby finally got pics


Very nice work for your first, cute little one

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Very cute. Nice job for a first. Will you keep her?

Very good first baby!

Yes…she is mine forever


What a great first baby. :relaxed:

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Good job.

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She’s AWESOME! I’m so happy to hear that you’re keeping her; you’ll have her to compare your progress with as time goes on. I actually threw my first in the trash and I’m so sorry I did. :unamused:


Good first!

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Nice first baby, that little tutu looks like she’s all dressed up for mardi gras!!

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Nice work!

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VERYnice!! Hard to believe that is a first baby. You have true talent

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Congratulations on your first cutie pie!

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Awesome first!

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I love the peacock feathers! congrats on the first baby.


Oh, she is just so cute. Great job, honey xx

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Cutie Patootie!:heart:

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Very good for your first baby! A little cutie!

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