My babies are getting ready for Christmas!

Here’s my Carter (Presley Asleep). He’s the one I made for my grandson. He’s our keeper and goes everywhere with us. I forgot where I found the little outfit with antlers but couldn’t resist.


Thank you @Becca x

I’d wanted her for well over a year and then my wonderful husband got her kit for my birthday x

@Blissfulbabies your little Carter is very cute x

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Aww! They’re so sweet! I love your twins, I’m working on a set of twins right now and they’re a lot more work lol

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Aw, how cute. I love matching outfits x

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Twins seem to be the newest latest fad at the moment…just sort of catching on but it may be a good sales promotion if things get slow…can sell them together or separate…some of my regulars (collectors in the full sense of the word) are after sets of twins at the moment…I have one lady that has recently bought 4 sets of twins off me and others requesting them so wondering??? :smile:


The only reason I’m doing twins is because I had two Asher Asleeps that needed to be stripped and redone lol :laughing:

Bet they’ll be cute when you’re done. :wink:

Hehe I hope so! I’m hoping for a boy and a girl, but we’ll see.
I may have more Christmas pics, I have a cute idea for a photoshoot but I don’t know if it’ll work or not.

Maike! What are you doing to your baby sister!?

Well, at least she packed her sister’s bottle and paci! (pic taken with flash, color was being annoying lol)

There! That’s better!


I just LOVE your babies❤️

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Beautiful babies. Here are my 2 latest Gabriel as a girl named Lilly

and Libby as boy named Billy


I know what you mean…It reminds me of the old Double Mint Chewing Gum ads…Double your pleasure double your fun with Double Mint Gum (had a set of twins in the ad…hahaha! :smile:


I think this scuplt would make an adorable grinch!!!

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Now that you’ve mentioned it, I can so see it! :laughing:

I’ll have to try to get my hands on another one and have a go at making a Grinch x

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Hi Sam, I found a Sandy Huti (technically Sandy Janssen)…I had to buy it so it should be here hopefully before Christmas… it is the first Huti I have seen come up for sale in a very long time…so now I have Arnie and Sandy…lol I would love to find Nono and a couple of the other older kits that are 250 LTD worldwide…I think I will have to do them as twins…and see what they look like when I am done… :smile:


Please do it!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Here is Nono…my fav Huti Kit!

Wow, thank you so much Izzy…I like that one best too…They are all so ‘unique’…not the prettiest babies in the world but they have personality…lol

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Jennifer Watier did an AA version of him and I just fell in love lol

Jenn Watier uploaded this image to