Most surprising sale

What is the most surpising sale you have made? Or the most unexpected place for a sale to happen?
Mine happened yesterday. The hubby was hosting a two day Tractor Pull event here at our farm. I took my Moses Basket filled with 5 babies along up to the track to entertain the poor ladies that get dragged along to these events LOL and I was showing them off and explaining them and handing out business cards. Just about everyone asked me how much they cost, but when I told this one lady, she turned around to her husband said the amount I told her and he handed me the money!! I was floored!!
So baby Jeannie, born on Friday, was adopted on Saturday!! Fastest sale ever !!

Holy Cow!! It must be nice to see something you want and be able to reach in your pocket and pay for it. Even something as frivolous and costly as a doll!

I guess where ever there are people, there is opportunity huh? ANYWHERE !

Great job! you go girl!!

Will you take some of mine along next time?


Congrats on your fast sale! That is awesome!

Come on over to our farm and we’ll socialize while the other ladies shop!!!

hey that is wonderful marcy, congrats on a quick and surprising sale!