Most realistic wig

Is there a wig type or maker that is more realistic? I am doing Kitten, and looking of a wig alternative to rooting:-)

The mikayla wig is pretty nice, It would look good on an older baby. But it runs small. I have the biggest size that bb has, And it only barely fits Asher awake

You really have to look around for wigs. Most of them come from Monique. It’s hard to find them to fit large toddlers but there are a few. Just beware of ones with really thick hair. They always make your doll look like a doll and not a child, You can get wigs made, but they are very expensive…too expensive unless you are one of the people who can command high prices for your dolls.

Lolol which I’m not! Lololol

Me either, kiddo!

1 Like has a decent selection of larger wigs.

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