More unsure on Kimber

I’m in awe of how much talent is located in one place on this forum


I know RIGHT??? It’s unbelievable!!!:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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These ladies know EVERYTHING!!!

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Westernstarr definatey has the magic touch…out of the average catagory by far with her babies.Everyone more beautiful than the next.We all here aspire to her talent im sure.


I think @westernstarr needs a dedicated fan club! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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So right! our inspiration !


I would join :slight_smile:


As probably the most inexperienced person here giving advice—not even done first doll yet, I’ll give you my very unprofessional opinion. I think her coloring looks great and I love the eyes looking to the side, however, If you cover up one side of her face then compare it to the other side and match eye symmetry the left side of pic might have too much white showing compared to right . I think the right with less white looks more natural… However so slight that might be throwing you off, that’s the only thing i can pick up as i think she looks great. As a courtesy I will post my poor first doll “Kyle” who is a mess and you can pay me back! :grin:

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Wow! Good eyes!!! Nice catch! :+1:t2::heart:

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That sculpt reminds me of a Kewpie doll! Has anybody reborn one of those? That would be weird huh?


Totally!!! That would be a great doll for her!

Marlee .
i really love criticism.How else can you grow? improve?
plus i lose my prespective after ive looked at a dolls face so long .Needs help to perfect…
I like the compliments too of course but dont get hurt feeling if people have suggestions.LOVE THEM…So dont worry
I do see what you mean…This one eyes are hard to move eyes around they are so oversized for those sockets.Maybe ll see if i can ajust a little though.

What do you think group? #1 above… #2 #3?



Thank you so much ladies… that is very kind of you to say…I think I am a little emotional at the moment probably because I have a baby on the way (thanks to Nikki…lol) but I feel a little teary and overwhelmed with the kind things many of you ladies say…Thank you so much :kissing_heart:


Ok now I AM balling :sob: …Thank you for that…you ladies are the best EVER…I do love all of you!


YES! Perfect.

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Everyone loves to too Starr!!! Because you are amazing! And generous! And helpful! And and… All the best stuff rolled into a beautiful Starr package! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


Awe didnt want to bring tears!!!
You just need to smile and bow!! lol € ; )


Straighten that crown! :crown::crown::crown::crown:


I didn’t see #3, I’m thinking #2. And as promised for your enjoyment-----whalaa! the Kyle head or should I say headache! Please disregard the super thick dark Frankenstein veins or the prisma marker hair that will not come off, what I am concerned about is the blueish bruise on his cheek. I tried to get the best pic of it, how can I possibly camouflage it into something else.I stripped this head and now just practicing on it. I really wish i took a pic of the very first edition cause it really looked pretty good. color, veins, etc. then i did purple eyelids and it all went down hill from there. The blue is impossible to get off. I’m prepared for some hard criticism and laughs. Cause I’m cracking myself up right now.


Well - even with me being a newbie you have been extremely kind and helpful and I appreciate you as well :slight_smile: you are a rare find in people :slight_smile: