Moisture from opened nose?

I have a potential customer who says she has heard that opening the nose allows moisture to get into the stuffing in the head. Has anyone else heard of this? If moisture is a problem it seems like it can get through the body as well.


Most of the newer sculpts are sculpted deeply enough that I don’t see much reason to open the noses. It just compromises the vinyl unnecesarily and when I used to do it, the nose always came out looking…well…booger-y. LOL I don’t open the noses any more unless requested.


I don’t open them anymore, either, for the same reason as Helen.


What are the best colors for shading the inside of the nostrils to give it as much depth as possible?

I shade them the same, or shade darker, than I do my creases. I do not open noses even if they are shallow. People will need to sometimes wash the baby’s face and I would not trust that the glue will not lift enough to let in moisture especially if people live in very humid climate.


I don’t have that problem but I do seal the back of the nasal passage wuth felt?

I build my nostrils with the colors I use for shading, very light, as I go, and finish with crease color and BB eyelid purple in the upper areas.


It seems that, if someone lives in a very humid climate, moisture could get in through the body even if the nose isn’t opened.