Mohair by the 1/4 oz

As a newbie I did not want to sink a lot of money into 1/2 - 3/4 ounces of mohair and only get one color. @Luvbaby posted a picture of her Morgan with Angora Mohtique hair and I thought it was lovely. So I checked her site out and found that you could purchase through her 1/4 ounces. Bought two different shades of blonde and just received. Packaging is well done and hair is oh so silky soft. She says this is fine adult, but all I know as a newbie who has never seen mohair, this is absolutely gorgeous! Can’t wait until I finish my Easter swap baby so I can try my hand at rooting :smiley:


I have used lots of Angora Mohtique mohair and love it. What I like is that it is easy to order from them and you can choose mohair from different aged goats according to what you need.


She never has kid or just plain yearling hair though. I’ve only ever used alpaca, Kid mohair, or yearling, and didn’t really care for the different yearling orders I purchased. I’ve never ordered from Angora mohtique so I’m wondering what her young adult hair is like? Any of the mohair that I bought that wasn’t kid or alpaca seems to be really thick strands and kinda wirey like and did not like it at all. I’ve ordered twice maybe three times from Angela sprott and two were kid and one yearling I think and those were all thick strand hairs as well. Good for maybe a toddler but not for newborn hair like I want. So I’m wondering what any of you that has used it, what you think about Angora mohtique adult or fine adult mohair for newborn hair.

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Give me a minute and I will post some pictures of my order. It is not wiry in the least…just silky soft.

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@shandeni…here you go!
Light blonde

Dark strawberry blonde


It looks beautiful do you have the link to order? I am running a little low. I’ll try anything once lol

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Thanks so much, I think I’m going to give it a try, thanks for posting pictures! It does look very nice!


Look at the links on the left side of the home page, then select doll hair, the first link. It is not the most transparent site to get into, but I love the hair.