
@Miss_Kitty. I got the badges!!!


Sorry if I’m butting in where I’m not supposed to…What badges? Curiously intrigued.

We have name tags/badges for the ROSE show! I think Miss Kitty designed them and shipped them to Melanie to hand out at the show. :slight_smile:

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Oh and btw…I forgot if I got a horizontal or vertical badge. Could you check for me, Melanie? :blush:

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@izzy yours is horizontal. I have extra lanyards if anyone needs one.

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Hi!!! Sorry!! I had a huge science final to study for and take. I passed 84 with cut score of 65! Woohoo! Finishing that class ALSO means that I finished my term, so I’m stuffing everything in the few days before my next term begins!!! :slight_smile: I’m finishing my zombie bub and starting a Shiva tiny baby. Or, a mermaid… Decisions decisions… Glad you got the badges. PM me if anyone needs one or needs a change. I can post them for you to print, if ya want. Love ya! Megs

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Did you see that @tanyat is hosting a halloween challenge? :slight_smile:

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Yep and I am SO playing! Are you???

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Yes. I can definitely squeeze a Halloween baby in there somewhere in the next 4 months. :slight_smile:

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Woohoo! I love Halloweeny babies! :slight_smile:

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