Miracle and serenity

Who do you like better and why? Why do you think miracle was more popular? Inquiring minds , want to know!


I actually think they’re kind of similar. I really like both of them but like Serenity just a bit more. I’m not a big fan of the babies that have a pained expression, mostly because it’s usually very fleeting and when it’s a reborn it never goes away. I want my babies to look content. They do both look very real to me, though.


Nik, I think I would have to say I liked Miracle the most but I sure love my Serenity… I have a Miracle that I have not yet painted for fear that she won’t come out like I envision her. I love both of those kits so it’s really hard for me to pick just one!! Who do you like most?? And do you have either of tem or both??

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Well… I hated them both! And then… Now I don’t!!! Lol at this time I prefer serenity. But miracle seems so much more coveted. I am just trying to figure the psychology of why certain sculpts so popular, and others… Not as much, even though they are similar. There is a part of my brain that demands to know the psychology and logic begins things. ( believe that one! )But it’s true. I guess I’ll never know… So I’m polling! Haha


I dont like either one. lol, I am no help. :wink:

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I tend to like the babies that aren’t quite so “pretty”. Lately I see so many babies that look so much alike that I haven’t gotten too excited about a lot of them. I usually like the one’s that nobody else likes. Sometimes I see one, decide to pass on it and then later when I see how beautiful everyone is doing them----well then I gotta have it, you know how that goes!!!


Miracle is my dream kit…that I doubt I ever have lol


I liked Serenity better…Miracle looks like she’s making a dirty diaper!!! :joy:


Serenity reminds me a bit of Miracle but the biggest reason I pick Miracle over Serenity is her hands. I just love them! Here are a few of my favorite Miracle photos from Google not my babies. I am lucky to have two of her kits though :slight_smile:


Is serenity bigger than miracle? Or just her head? Lol

Same here!

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Serenity’s skull seems wider. Is Miracle a 19 inch kit also?

Miracle is 20’

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I can only wish I had a Miracle. It would be a miracle if I found one I could afford LOL


I passed on Miracle when she came out because I thought she was not that special. Then I saw her reborn and fell in love with her! I purchased 2 Serenity because she reminded me of Miracle but when I got her she did not have the same effect on me. I traded one of them in a deal with some money to get Esme who was very coveted by me. I have been looking forever for a Miracle kit and finally this past week shelled out the money for one. I paid more for her ($285 shipped) than original pricing but less than some go for. I am thrilled to have gotten her though and she is my favorite. Her expression does not look pained to me but rather scrunched like a baby just awaking and stretching. I love her hands and the fact that she has full arms while Serenity has 3/4 arms. I also think Miracle is slightly larger. I now have Esme, MIracle, Serenity, Knox, and Rosie all waiting to be finished. I know I will be keeping Esme, MIracle and Knox when done. We will see on the other 2.


That is an awesome story!!! Maybe someday… I’ll find one too. At a time when I can afford To buy it lol

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You gave only 285? Including the shipping that’s a good deal. I have been seeing them sale for 350-400 without the shipping included. I have Aurora Sky, Rosie, and 2 of the Miracle sculpt. I want to find an Esme one day but will be later down the road as I have way too many kits to paint right now and can’t afford to dish out 300-400 for another haha.

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How much do miracle and serenity usually sell for in kit form?

I think they were around $110 but now that they’re sold out it could be anything.

I have seen Serenity this week for $175. Miracle goes between 300-400 if you find her less then $300 you got a deal lol.