Mini Photo Shoot with Johanna

Yes, Amaya has been returned to her original name. I couldn’t stop calling her Johannah, so instead of fighting it, I just changed it. lol She made it through surgery fine…she looks perfect on her new 20 inch body, her new magnet keeps her pacifier perfectly in place, and she has been varnished…no more shiny baby and she feels so soft now and I love holding her…I actually slept with her on my chest when I went to bed this morning (my hubby snores really bad, so I don’t go to bed until he leaves for work at 5am).

Now for what you came for…Johannah’s first photo shoot. She’s already ready for her first Easter, which also happens to fall on my 40th birthday.


Awe!!! She is cute!

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Aww…Thank you very much @Evee! :heart::blush::heart: I really appreciate it! I’m over the moon with her and can’t wait to bring her with me to Sunday dinner and show my family. They are very supportive of my hobby of collecting and painting reborns. Bringing a new reborn is like bringing a real baby…everyone wants a chance to hold them. lol


So sweet!

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Aww…Thank you very much @Mommarobin! :two_hearts::blush::two_hearts: I really appreciate that!

She’s very cute, and she looks much better like this!
Also, we’ve got the same birthday! :o

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She is absolutely adorable!!!

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Aww…Thank you very much @EnchantedOrphanage! :two_hearts::blush::two_hearts: I’m glad you like the changes I made on her. Also, that is awesome that we share the same birthday! :birthday:I’ve met SO many people with April birthdays, but none of them were on the 4th. The closest are my step mom with April 1st and my Dad’s best friend with April 5th.

Aww…Thank you very much @katieperry! :heart::blush::heart: I’m happy you find her adorable and I really appreciate your post from a year ago about using the 20 inch body on her, cause it quickly solved her proportional problem.

It’s amazing how something so simple can affect your whole perception…at first I was kind of disappointed and felt I made a mistake because the weird body and shinyness were all I saw. Made the minor changes and now she’s gorgeous…I guess it makes sense why I had trouble calling her Amaya. Amaya was linked to that first impression and since she got an upgrade, it’s kinda like the doll itself was like “I’m not Amaya anymore…I’m the new and improved Johannah.” I’ll just have to paint my first ethnic doll one day and she will get the name Amaya. :heart: It’s a win/win!


Adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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