Michelle by Michelle Fagan

Has anyone painted a BB Michelle kit yet? Im blown away by how utterly adorable she is! The vinyl is buttery smooth, and the paint just blends so beautifully!


I have her but have not started her yet

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She was easy to paint.

I painted her not too long ago.


Today’s efforts.


Mine’s waiting for hair but she was easy to paint.

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Beautiful! Can’t wait to see the final outcome! I haven’t painted mine yet. I pulled mine out, and although she was supposed to be first quality, she had quite a lot of defects. I got discouraged and wound up putting her away. Oh, well. It was my fault for not checking her over upon arrival. :sweat_smile:

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What kind of defects Steffany? Mine is flawless.

A decent amount of scratches/scuffs. Usually that doesn’t bother me too much. It’s still workable. But the biggest scuff is on her face/nose. :disappointed: It annoyed me enough to be like “not today”. :joy:

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You should be able to get rid of the scuffs/scratches with superfine sandpaper.

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