Mia Trouble

I pre-ordered a Mia kit by Irina K. from Macpherson’s about a week or so ago. I was originally planning on someone else painting her for me…but at the same time, I would like to save some money and paint her myself. One of the things that holds me off from making her myself is that I of course would want her to be “perfect” I know what I would want in a specific sculpt when it comes to what I want it to look like but I am afraid to risk it on a Limited Edition sculpt. Your thoughts? Also please let me know if any of you have pre-ordered a Mia recently. I don’t want to be the only one :joy::joy:

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My experience if it’s a baby you super want and you’re still newer have someone else paint it. I have three of my own and still like the babies someone else painted for me better, of which I have… 4 I think.


If I were in your situation, I would either splurge and have an artist that I deeply admire the work of paint her or hold off until I had more experience to paint her myself.

I have a couple of open edition, easy to acquire sculpts that I would like to have as keepers someday. They sit at the back of my kit stash until I have the skill and confidence to paint them exactly how I envision them. I’m terrified of messing them up. Of course, I’m an abundance of caution type of person.


I preordered a Mia a while ago, I think she’s cute.

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I have a Mia kit but have not started painting her yet. She is a beautiful kit.