Melted Bethany :'(

This is the worst day ever…she was getting so cute. Set my oven as always…her vinyl was very thin at the beginning between her eyes…and now…she collapsed and melted… I see no solution but throwing het away… so so sad…how could this happen??


You could try stuffing it and rebaking. Or turning it into an alternative

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You could have a very nice planter ?

@RosieCait what is a planter? (I’m Dutch)

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A planter is something you can put your plants into. This would be a decorative planter that also shows your artwork. Something unique.

So sorry that has happened to you. It’s always devastating when this happens. Does she have a big head? What I do with larger heads is lay them face up in the oven instead of straight up. This keeps the head a little farther from the heating element.

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I feel so bad for you!! What beautiful painting too😢

That is so sad! I’m sorry that happened :frowning:

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Hello Cathalijne i now how you feel,that happend to my also
After that i bought a oventhermometer

Also i notice that when i put my oven on 150 it most off the time got more hot than that
So from now on i put him just a little before 150 and get so the right tempeture (not to hot )

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I’m so sorry this happened to you! I think it’s happened to us all at least once…to some degree.

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Oh no!

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@ineke1957 I bake at 130°C

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I have a Watson and put mine before 125 otherweise he get way to hot
First time i set him on 150 with thermometer in and the thermometer says way behond 150
so he is getting to hot
Now i now how to set him

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@InfantInspirations she had a relatively bigger head…not huge…but I think she was too close to the heating element. Will lay them down differently, and maybe use extra extension ring! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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@ineke1957 i have the oven thermometer. The temp had fluctuations , so now i picked up an digital oven. Will check the temp again and will heqt at 125, just to be sure. But this kit was so different from all the others. More thin, nothing to do but learn from this… and buying new oven and kits hahah

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@PutABonnetOnIt thank you for the compliment <3


Was te this a Linda Murray Kit ? Yes i notice to some are very soft and thin ,others ar hard vinyl .
I discovered with rooting ( by breakikng needles ) :rofl:

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@ineke1957 yes, linda murray Bethany super super fragile vinyl compared to others.
I rooted a natali blick head recently and broke needles…haha

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@ineke1957 ps. I am also from the Netherlands!

My to and there is another one form the Netherlands !
I am so glad to be here by us they don’t have so mutch if you love reborns
Also love the Linda Murray kit i always wanted to buy Cloé
Your dolls look already so nice do you paint for long ?
I only for 2 years and sold 4 but we don’t get mutch for our reborns here
One i sold for 120,00 they others for 100,00 :disappointed_relieved:


@ineke1957 I am painting for only a few months… 1.melted baby and 1 matte varnish disaster, and 1 I like