Melissa by Viviane Aleluia?

What do you all think of this kit? I think it is sweet and very skinny newborn looking but I am trying to figure out if the head shape seems correct or if I am just seeing things LOL. Anybody getting her?


I didn’t like her and skipped the contest participation for that reason.


I think her head shape is fine and I love her legs.


I love her legs and fingers. I’m not crazy about her teensy mouth or puffy eyes. A couple of her protos are fantastic, but if the other prototype artists couldn’t do her justice I’m certain that I won’t be able to either.

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She is cute but I didn’t like the legs so skipped ordering her

I had a foster baby that reminds me of her but I am afraid I couldn’t do her justice at all because she is an unusual looking kit.

I didn’t even know about the contest. If I had any dolly dollars I would have entered.

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I’m getting her, I’m not the biggest fan of her head, but wanted to participate in the WeReborners contest.