Meg's right hand

Does anyone else think Meg’s right hand looks like she’s going to punch somebody? I love everything about this kit except for that (but I’m pretty picky about details).

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Now that you mention it…

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LOL! I just checked my Meg and yep, I agree.

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I’m going to come in on this one on the side of the artist. Newborn babies have what are called fisted hands for some time after they are born. That is what the artist is portraying, i believe. it’s not that they can’t open their hands, but just that they mostly don’t. if you notice, you’ll see many newborns sucking madly away at their fist rather than a thumb or finger.


The fist is fine. It’s the position of the wrist that’s off to me. The left hand is great.

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I do not like those 2 fists; my Meg got different arms and I forgot who I taken them from

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That is probably one of the only things I don’t like about Marissa’s kits…the arms or hands on some of them…I especially do not like the straight hand on the Sera and Sam…It is very awkward trying to pose them for photos…other than putting the hand on their head what do you do with it…ha! I do love Meg though…she is probably my fav Marissa May kit…her and Kate…(I don’t care for Kate’s hands either though - all personal taste of course)…

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