Megan is done!.....almost

This is a little more orange than she is, in person. I still didn’t have the guts to root lashes…and she’s bald, but the ladies at work loved her:) THANKS for all the tips and advice!


Well, it doesn’t look orange now that it’s uploaded! Ha

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She is cute! Even hairless. LOL

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She’s gorgeous!!

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rootng lashes on a sleeping baby is easy …give it a try with a light brown mohair. I reborned Megan 5 times I like that sculpt .


When I root eyelashes I hold the hair in the crease of the eyelids with my fingernail so I have a guide as to where the hair is going. Otherwise, it could end up anywhere. lol


You did a super job! :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::tada:

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Thank y’all…I had fun making her…still terrified, tho, since she is only baby #2. Not quite ready for Summer Rain yet…haha

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She is cute !

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She is so sweet!

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Awwwww, What a little cutie…love this little kit! :smile:

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She looks so peaceful lying there having a snooze. She’s beautiful xx

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Awww…she’s a lovely litte girl!!!

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Go for he lashes they are going great for me and I’m brand new to this! So so excited to see these Megan’s popping up! She is the first baby I’m doing for myself for my own collection and the first baby I’m attempting rooting on. I adore her kit and can’t wait to reborn her!!

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She looks lovely. If you choose to root her eyelashes (and you should) don’t forget you are going to have to take her head off the glue the lashes on the inside!!


Oh she is just darling! I have yet to paint a Megan but I do love her and yours is beautiful.

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Awwwww…what an adorable baby you made…nice work…!!

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She looks like a real baby!

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Thanks for the vote of confidence. My hubby says I’m my own worst critic because I never think anything is good enough :stuck_out_tongue: It means more to me coming from people who look at dolls all the time.

You did so good , she’s adorable !!!

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