Me, trying the gel stain by MG tv (tried it again updated pictures)

I did the 2 Titian buff layers. Next step was the gel stain. I gotta let it dry overnight. Then tomorrow I will wash it off. I brought the brushes too.


Yea that step was interesting when I saw it!

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Awe too bad it has to come off, lol! Would make an interesting Alternative. :upside_down_face:


yep, looks like measles or something, lol


Lol, it does

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So my son had Hand/foot/mouth disease as a baby and his eczema amplified it… this reminds me of that… poor bubs
This was on the 3rd day… as they were starting to heal.


Oh my goodness! That poor baby!! :hushed:

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I know. :frowning: He didnt even seem to notice though. He was happy the whole time and it was before he crawled or anything and too young to scratch. So it was a lot better than it could have been but still sad. It took about 2 weeks to fully heal.


Oh my goodness, poor baby. That had to be awful for him.

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Now I want to make a baby with eczema or measles, lol. Poor baby!

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I’m so glad to hear he healed up quickly. I wish we did as we age lol .:blush:


Are you sure he doesn’t have the “Measels”??

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Poor little head hope he survives he looks like he could be really sick :smile:

I joined her Patreon because I really need to know what this is all about! :slight_smile:


Poor baby!!! :open_mouth:

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Well, I need to find some clear gel with alcohol in it. It took on the head some, but not on the limbs. I couldn’t remember if it was with or with alcohol. I looked at a few n they didn’t have alcohol. So I assumed it was without.


She had a lot of informative information. Very well worth every penny.

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@Msmimi04 So where is the “After” photo of how this stain worked when you washed it off?

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I’ve seen the video now and that looks like a ton of fun! There’s nothing like making a big old mess in the name of creativity :slightly_smiling_face:


I am lost as usual… what is this about ?

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