Max expression

Max is a cute little guy and I love his body and limbs but does anyone else think he looks kind of disgruntled?

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I don’t really care for his mouth but I love the rest of him!! His bottom lip reminds me of Celeste’s a bit!

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Gas bubble lolol

LOVE IT :innocent:

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I like everything about him but the eyes. I think if someone opened his eyes he would be great.

I have an extra head, maybe I’ll try that.

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OOh me too. By the time I get started on the last Max and make all these crazy changes he won’t even look like Max anymore lol


He looks cute yes like an old man
I can see his appeal but I wouldn’t buy him he’s just not for me
I love Harper though. I may buy him. But if there was an option to make Harper a girl I would absolutely buy. I haven’t decided if I like the girl one with the double chin yet

There’s a full girl torso made by Laura Lee Eagles. MacPhersons had it.

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Harper Seconds were available earlier…

I’m hoping for a twin sister for Max with peeky eyes.

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