
Has anyone received the Mason kit yet and if so how is the detailing ?

How are the ears ? x

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I feel like an odd person out, I just do not like this kit…that Jay Lenno chin just turns me off big time. I can’t wait to see some other ones painted by you all and in some different poses. Maybe I will change my mind…


I just ordered yesterday


That is how I am feeling :thinking:, really undecided myself .



I hadn’t thought of that, yes I think he will do well as alternative bless him.

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From what i can see in the pics of the kit he has those wonky unrealistic ears that most Pat Moulton kits have. He just looks way too dolly for my taste.


Yes I was wondering if he had typical moulton ears :ear:


I ordered the kit it hasn’t come yet but I didn’t think the pictures were good

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I look forward to seeing what you do with him x

I was going to order but I refrained. I believe they are the same as Megan, which are very nice. I just so not in the mood to do them again. :smirk:


I’ve tried to get a good look at his ears in his prototype pics but I can’t see them very well Maybe they did that on purpose.


I don’t think that he is going to be any less detailed or “worse” off than most of the other older BB kits. I have become something of an old kit specialist, so I don’t feel like a less detailed kit is neccessarily a bad thing - just more of a blank canvas. Mine should be arriving soon and I will post picture :slight_smile:


Mine will be arriving Friday so after my 12 hour shift I’ll be happy to get.

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I have only painted seven dolls all have been BB babies and I believe over half have been reborn. I didn’t know the difference when I first started. I use air dry paints and have run into some issues. It seems to me the paint doesn’t go on as well on the reborn and of course I’ve noticed that there isn’t as much detail which I really like. I want to thank everyone here on the Forum who have helped me with so many of my problems without you knowing this. I am actually rather shy about my work but I do have five on I have sold one, Kyle, my least favorite and I had one
lady try to scam me. Because of some of the talk on here about scams, I realized her scam. I think I am selling them too cheap, but I have only been painting since Dec. 2018. I want to be fair and honest. I’m working on Spencer now and his paint started out beading. I thought he would be cuter/easier. I had a hard time gauging how big the dolls would be when finished by the photo. Still do I guess. However, having said all this I am stubborn and determined and fearless to become really good. Thank you again for ALL your wisdom. Penelope’sRebornDolls


Hi Penelope, it’s nice to meet you! Wishing you more successful sales! I am also a beginner and started in Jan. 2019 and this forum has being a great source of knowledge and support for me. It’s always nice to know who is reborn mamas of those babies on Reborns. So don’t be shy. Putting WIP pictures and asking for advices always helped me. Looking forward to more of your babies!

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Thanks so much, I will put Spencer on tomorrow. Sometimes it just takes a few hours or days when I can walk by a doll head and see them in a completely new way and know what wash I need to do to make them more life like. When I painted on canvas the same thing could happen, a lightbulb would go off or divine intervention! I’ve got to go to sleep, it’s almost 2am. I just started steroid pills for my inflammation and I believe they effect my sleep. Thanks again for your kind words.