Margot Brace

Is anyone preordering Margot by Cassie Brace. I can’t decide :grin:


I am passing on this on. I do not care for the deep creases on the arm rolls.

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She’s pretty. I love her size. But all the prototypes look pretty much the same. I wish there were more examples. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I hadn’t noticed them, but now yes I can see what you mean.

Yes I think I’m torn as the prototypes aren’t appealing to me. I think she could be cute though, I just don’t know.

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I’m waiting on Ruby Brace, not big on Margot!!

She is cute, though the eyes, shape, reminds me of Jenny Awake.

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I think she’s cute :slight_smile:

I thinking the same and I can’t be reminded of her right now lol


Sorry, I know you are still reeling from that Jennie :scream: experience lol

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I’m the same about her like most people but it’s probably that I am not in love with the prototype. I think as I see more created Margot’s I may end up liking her.

I do really enjoy her size. I think there need to be more dolls of 6 to 9 months.

I am stumped too though on whether I’d want to get her one day or not.


Not as bad as she’s living in a bag and I’m good with that lol

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