Making progress with Prisma hair

Ok guys, I am finally getting results I like from Prisma pencil. My one question or concern is, some parts of the head are not taking the pencil. Can I matte varnish over what I have that I’m happy with and then continue?
I’m so scared to bake before the whole thing is complete. Idk what to do at this point.
Suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


did you matte/varnish before you started?

Personally I varnish with a satin/matte mix, pounced on, then bake twice cooling between bakes.
Then start drawing with a sharp pencil


I did matte varnish before but only baked once. I’m not sure if that matters?
Anywhoo, I just wiped it all off and I’m going to varnish the head again and start over.
I’m really proud of this baby and don’t want to mess it up, or have it less than my standards.
I plan on her being a combi baby. Fingers crossed I can achieve my vision for her.


Like Jen said, you need to varnish and bake the head first. :slight_smile:

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This shouldnt be stressful but it is. Lol.


You’re doing a great job so far!!

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Thank you!

:rofl: YUP!!

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I usually varnish first, then use prisma, then varnish again (with air dry varnish). I never bake prisma.
Varnishing first gives it a better surface for the pencils to stick to.

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I always bake Prisma and have never had a problem. I varnish bake, draw, varnish and bake again…done :slight_smile:


Seems so easy. Lol

So this is happening now instead of Prisma. Lol.
Today I have accepted I am going to be a hair rooter instead of a hair painter. I have decided that I’m going to focus on what I am good at, instead of beating myself up over what I’m not good at. Lol.


Good plan! That looks really lovely! I love the color!

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Thank you! It’s Ruby Red in light brown. Which matches the Sephia Prisma exactly, btw. Incase anyone can benefit from that info. :blush:

You go, girl! Looking great!


I could never get prisma to stick until i covered the head with liquitex matte varnish. Also, i tried different pencils & some go on much easier than prisma. I use air dry so not sure about baking and all that jazz. I had a problem with smearing until I believe @anjsmiles recommended letting it sit for a day or two. Problem solved.


Thank you @Mommarobin!!

I had the smearing problem too!! I had all the problems.

I have literally been rooting for 4 1/2 hours straight. I just realized I didn’t even eat lunch. Lol.
I did get a lot done though. After looking at the picture I see a few hairs I need to tweeze out, but overall, it’s not looking too bad!!