Magic chef oven- help!?

Okay, I have already looked over previous poster’s questions, and have not found the answers. I am trying out my Magic Chef for the first time, and the light keep blinking on and off. Does it normally cycle like this? Also, I have a thermometer in it, which is only reading at 150 Degrees. Why? Is it not operating properly? I tried Google to no avail. Help please.

I’m sorry for your issues with the oven, I really can’t help you, I have a NuWave. Maybe someone who has a Magic Chef can give you some advice.

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Thanks, @lynn. Is it normal for a convection oven to cycle like that, or does it normally stay on the entire time?

I am not much help but I do have a magic chef havent used it yet but did turn it on and run it for around the time I will be with a baby in there… anyways it did cycle on and off the whole time… but I do not have a thermometer so I haven’t checked that yet…

I still need paint thinner and thermometer before I can even try painting my first baby. Hopefully it all goes okay once I can start.

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I also have a NuWave, and I believe a convection oven stays on until it reaches the set temp, then it may cycle after that to maintain the temp. But not sure. Hopefully someone on here has a Magic Chef.

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I don’t have a magic chef, but I do use a convection/toaster oven. Yes, it does cycle on and off to maintain the temp. Also, you need to put a good oven thermometer inside and test the settings until you reach the required 265 temp that will bake the babies properly. I would run it through a few times before you even try to bake parts, and watch your oven thermometer closely.


Do you have the extender ring for it too? How long did you leave the oven on for with the thermometer inside and at what temp did you set it at? I was using a big boss for almost 2 years, just switched to the nuwave a few months ago. But with my big boss, there was a light up in the lid that would turn on for a bit and then off throughout the entire baking time, but the oven wouldn’t turn on and off once I turned it on, you should at least hear the fan running even when the light turns off. Nuwave are totally different as they don’t have that super bright light at all, it just turns on and heats up and regulates itself once the set temp is reached, I thought my nuwave was broke bc no bright light came on at all but it definitely works! Hope u get it figured out


Is your thermometer in Fahrenheit? What temperature did you set the oven on? You can test the thermometer for accuracy in your kitchen oven.

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Okay, thanks for your help everyone!! I will give @otterbaby2’s suggestion a try, and run some parts through just to test it and figure out exactly what my settings should be. Thank you!

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Bountiful Baby sells vinyl parts for $2.98 I think. You could get some and test your oven with those as well as test paint techniques. That way you dont ruin or melt your baby kit.

(The Lane/Leah legs I got were the light soft vinyl)

Yes, it is in Fahrenheit, and I had it set to 265.

That is a big difference; test the thermometer and if it works reasonably accurately, take the oven back. That is too much out even for cooking.