Made a website

If any one has any pointers or sees any typos please let me know. I am very tired and headed to bed. Thanks for looking.
I plan to set up tomorrow as well. :slight_smile:


Looks great Jen…Your babies are so sweet…Now you just need to join Pinterest if you haven’t alreadyand make yourself a board with your babies on there and your website address on each photos that you post and people will see your babies and go across to your site…after a while you will start having people asking about your babies…you can put them on to ready made babies on or Ebay or Facebook orwhereever you sale by putting links on your new website to the auctions or can start taking custom orders… :smile:


Cute babies. Nice website and easy to look up babies . :slight_smile:


You did an awesome job!!! Love it! :heart_eyes:


What are the costs of setting up and maintaining a website? I know that you know this stuff, but anybody else can answer me. Personally, I’m tech illiterate.



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Do you know if it’s possible to pin from a iPhone or iPad? I use to use Pinterest nonstop with my PC but know I’m only on my iPad and iPhone

My first listing! Eeek! :smile: (again please speak up if you see anything I should change)


You should be able to. I know there is a Pinterest app… My phone didnt work right with it though.

The site I used (that Starr uses for the swaps also) is free. It did take me a bit to set it up and it froze a few times and I had to redo multiple things… but once the initial set up is done it will be easier. Maybe @westernstarr has pointers :slight_smile: :heart:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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I have the app but I don’t see a way to pin from it :pensive:

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Thank you. :slight_smile:

Like this??? :kissing_heart:


Way to go, Jenni!!! Looks awesome!


You’ve done a great job…from what I saw everything looks good and with easy access…very professional looking as well…and I just love your Liam sculpt…!!..:slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! I just went back through and added a watermark to some of the photos… now to get them all done… lol. Should have done that first… hehehe

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Another think you can do as well if you want to is download backgrounds if you want to put something in behind your page besides just a solid colour (the solid looks really nice but just an option…Like I down loaded photos of flowers…I love purple so of course that was what I looked for…then if you go to the outer edges of your page you just right click…you will be given 2 options, just choose the one that changes the outer edge and upload your background how you do your pictures…you can make if different for each page or the same for all…
You can use one full print behind like I did on my site or you can do a repeat pattern like I did on the Easter Swap page on our BB site…

You can also download icons, or photos and use them on your pages like the butterflies and flowers, etc on my pages or the little chicks on the Easter pages etc…you just upload them like your photos and can adjust their sizes to suit your page…but it is all a matter of taste…Your site looks really nice as is too but wanted to make sure you knew you had the other options…

I have yet to finish updating our swap…still have 2 babies to add and then upload them all to pinterest but I am on dial up at the moment and hoping my computer goes back across to regular speed soon. It is too big a pain to work on the sites on dial up…lol (Joys of living out in the sticks uggghhhh…lol )

I don’t know…sorry…I have never tried but I do know that it offers all the different options of twitter, facebook, pinterest, etc to link to (not sure that is the same thing you are asking…

Wix is free - you can pay a fee and add other things to your site if you really wanted to but what they offer for free is sufficient for me…they offer ‘carts’ with Paypal options, adding video and music and things like that but if you are not worried about things like that…it is all free…You can go on there and choose different site looks and once you choose, you just go in and change out all the photos, backgrounds and text to suit yourself…it is a bit time consuming but it is fun once you get the hang of it…

I truly am not that tech savvy…I sort of fumbled my way around till I learned everything…the only reason that I get as far as I do is that I have no fear of failure…hahahahahahaha! I just tell myself that I can do it and keep going till I figure it out or even if I do fail I don’t let it affect me trying again or trying other things…My philosophy is pretty basic…“the worse thing that can happen if I fail when I try to do something is that I just couldn’t do it”…lol

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Now that I can add my other finished baby… :slight_smile: Here is Jacelyn (again please let me know if I should change anything) Thanks ladies!


Am making one now and I just looked at yours, nice!

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