MacPherson fast or slow shipping

Hello everyone I was wondering from all of you that order from MacPherson in the USA how long do they take to ship I asked their costumer help and I did not get a clear message please help I am painting a baby but the kit needs to come fast

Very fast! A lot of people in the US report next day arrivals!

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The fastest from any place I’ve ordered! Overnight from Canada to Florida. Now that I live in Idaho it’s two days at the most.

Thank you I hope mine is that fast I ordered yesterday and have not got shipping information yet

I ordered last week and it took 1 day :slightly_smiling_face:

It depends on your order.

If it is over $100 and free shipping about 2 days sometimes 1.

If under $100 you will get a shipping invoice to pay first before they ship it.

If it’s a preorder it ships after the kit is released (sometimes months later) THIS IS HOW ALL PREORDERS WORK. Preorders have 3 options to pay… deposit - then the rest is owed once they get the kit. In full - will ship once they get the kit. 3 easy pay - this is the full amount split into 3 monthly payments. You will get a separate email after ordering for your first payment. (I think there are also buttons to pay the remaining payments in that email. You can pay them before the date they say if you are able to, etc.) The kit does not ship until the 3rd payment is paid and the kit is in stock.

I ordered it yesterday and it was over $100 also a kit in stock


My order arrived the next day. I couldn’t believe it.

I just got one this afternoon from them that I had ordered Wednesday. I got a message today (Friday) that it was on its way and boom there it was on the porch! Not sure how they do it, but they are amazing!

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They’ve always been freaky fast to get me my orders!