MacPherson Cart Not Empty

For the last few months when I place an order from MacPherson the items I ordered don’t get removed from my cart so the next time I go to place an order my cart isn’t empty and I have to delete the items from my previous order first. Is this happening to anyone else or is it just me?


Yes! My preorder that I paid for for Macie was still in my cart the next time I bought two kits. So I accidentally preordered another. I was embarrassed because I know we aren’t supposed to add other items to preorders. But I took it as a sign that I needed two Macies :joy:

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Well at least you were happy with your duplicate purchase!


Yes, I’ve had to delete my cart, whereas back in the day my cart would be wiped out if I took too long to shop. :crazy_face:

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Yes for sure. Now everything stays whether it’s waiting to be ordered or has been ordered.

Same. Macie or Delilah. I think it was Delilah. But I ended up ordering 2 Macies and 3 Delilahs anyway. So I guess it was fine. But it would suck if it was an order you didn’t want to repeat.


Ya that’s what I was worried about. It’s been happening long enough to me now I’m used to it so know to watch out for it but it almost got me the first two times.

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Yes…same here…

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Has anybody told them about this? They may not be aware of it.

I did open a ticket about it to let them know. I thought I’d check and see if it was happening to anyone else or just me and thought I’d tag them here if it didn’t seem to be an isolated issue for just me.

I’d rather have this than an empty cart. I use it as a shopping list so I don’t forget anything. If there is a double I just delete it :slight_smile:

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Yes I like that I can add items to my cart over time and have them ready to place my order, but having them stay after ordered is potential for duplicate orders. Hopefully it can be fixed and it can go both ways.




Thank you for tagging me on here!!! :smiley:
We originally had an issue with our cart timing out & not holding in the products for those who wanted to come back so it timed out too quickly.
We did fix that…NOW…we do run into this very complaint from time to time…not always …but sometimes.
I have put a request into our tech person to look into it but if memory serves me correctly it is something to do with the cache on the browser being used on the personal computer causing it. I don’t remember exactly and I will come back to let you know but it is something like Chrome or clearing out your PC cache.
I am not expert but I will ask around…it is not all the time…so that does indicate it is more to do do with the browser that one is using.
I will get answers for you!!
Also it may help to know are you on your PC or your phone using the APP?


I always order on my PC and never my phone.

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Cherie…are you one that is having issues with it holding onto you old order as well??
If so what browser are you using on your PC?
I am still waiting for an answer back from the tech person so I am asking so I have more information to hand back to him?
hUgs B XO

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Yes exactly why we changed it to hold the items in the cart.
I know when I am placing any order I need that function as I get pulled away constantly so I cannot live without it!! :open_mouth:
It should not hold items if they have run through the check out though … but I think it is a browser/cache issue
I am looking into it.
hUgs B XO


Yes…every time I place an order (and I usually pay in full…do not use layaway feature).

When I go back to place another order…there it is…in my cart again…as if I had put it there and left…and not paid for it…

I use Microsoft Edge as a browser…sometimes Firefox…but it does it with either browser.

I’m using Chrome on my PC. I do add things to my cart on my phone using the website and using the app, but when I actually place the order it is from my PC with Chrome.

Brenda, I’d much rather have the items held and have to delete them in case I forget something, Which happens every time LOL

I use Chrome on my pc. :slight_smile:

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