Luna opened her eyes!


She is so precious. So happy to see those little peepers!!! Go Luna!!

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She’s looking good! How much longer do they think she’ll be in there?

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Oh the little cutie! She looks great.

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Hello, little Luna! What a DOLL…a REAL DOLL!!! :heart:


Awww! So stinkin’ cute!!

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Thank you everyone!!! She isn’t 4 pounds yet… She has to be 5 pounds to go home. Today is her 3 week birthday!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada:


It’s so fun watching her grow and change. She’s as precious as ever.

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She is just a little sweetheart. And look at that cute smile!:footprints::footprints::footprints:foot prints on your heart for sure.

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She is so SWEET! Nikki you are a lucky aunt. :slight_smile:

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What a sweet beautiful baby girl!

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I almost feel like Luna looks more like Julie than Mavie…Mavie’s lips don’t look as similar in my opinion. :slight_smile:


Well, I didn’t get to buy mavie yet… Maybe it’s a good thing? Now Julie? Lolol mavie for a sleeping sculpt? Or no?

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She’s just chillin’ out here. :blush:

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Thank you for letting us see her as she grows!! So nice that she’s opened her eyes- I hope she is able to go home soon! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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You guys will see her every step of the way!!!


Thanks for sharing her with us she is beautiful and strong.

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She’s a cute little butter bean. You can just tell from the pictures she’s a little spunky! Thanks for,sharing. Go Luna Grow!


:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:thank you ladies​:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Whichever one you want. :slight_smile: