Loving my Sugargliderus Mohair!

I’m so glad you’re loving it!! :heart:

43 g. single barb??? Do you have a secret? I can hardly get a 42 g. 3 barb to go into the vinyl and get any hair to stay in! I’ve tried using the heat gun and a hot rice sock but nothing seems to help. Do you like the Sugargliderus mohair better than Delta Dawn? How does it compare in price?

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I’ve bought from her to and like it.

No secret, just practice. The needle has to be in the correct position to catch the hair.

I haven’t tried Delta Dawn but others on this forum love that hair. Delta Dawn’s mohair has a coating on it that some really like but others don’t. It’s just a personal preference.

I think Delta Dawn is more expensive than Sugargliderus.

Uhh, and what position would that be?

Look closely at the needle and you’ll see the barb. The barb needs to be facing the head so it will catch the mohair.

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Amy…I agree about the 43g single barb having to be in the correct position!! I was rooting Lainey and just before starting her I had to order new needles. I thought that I ordered the ones I had used before…a single barb one each side for a total of 3 barbs. After a few weeks I couldn’t figure out why the the rooting wasn’t moving along like it should have. One day about 5 or 6 weeks after I started rooting Lainey I sat back very frustrated but determined to figure out what the problem was…I put on my magnifying glasses and examined the new needles I had been using and realized that there was only a single barb on the entire needle. I felt so stupid. I guess at times I had held it in the right position because I was making baby steps in the progress but there sure must have been a lot of hours that the needle wasn’t in the right position.Once I figured that out the 43g single barb is my needle of choice!! I love using it now!

To answer Sandy’s question abut the Delta Dawn vs Sugargliders… I’ve only been reborning a few months and have only used Delta Dawn and Slumberland but I recently bought Sugargliders for my next baby. I can tell you that I prefer the Slumberland over the Delta Dawn but I think I may end up liking the Sugargliders best from what I can see and feel of it. As for price the Delta Dawn is the most expensive of the bunch. I didn’t care for the feel of the DD and now I just saw on this post that Delta Dawn has a coating on it that explains how it feels to me. It makes the mohair feel heavy and almost greasy. I didn’t like it.

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I’m glad you figured out the needle, JackieJo! The 43G single barb is my favorite needle.

Of the people that don’t like Delta Dawn, it’s usually because of the coating. I haven’t used it because of the coating.

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Deb I see on this post that you get your mohair from Carolyn @sugargliders I have put in her email add that I had sugargliders@aol.com and I get a mess that it is no longer a good email. Is Carolyn still selling do you know?
Thanks Corinne

You can call @sugargliderus Carolyn this way, too. I think your email was misspelled. Try this: Sugargliderus@aol.com

Thanks Amy I’ll give it another try. It has been along time since I contacted her but I would love some of her mohair.

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I brought some mohair from her. I haven’t used it yet. It is nice n silky. I’m gonna order more.

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You’ll love the hair!! :relaxed:

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I love it n haven’t used it yet, lol. Do you still have to wet it like the regular mohair?

Before styling, yes, wet the hair.

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Ok, thanks.

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I bought my first batch of her mohair but I bought the pygora kid mohair I think it’s called. I forgot all about it and was so excited when I seen it in my stash of mohair! I love it! Roots so nicely and looks awesome before rooting and after!