Lovin' this Baby Bon

Such beautiful ethnic skin tones.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Reborn-baby-eth … 1e6b40f50f

Love that beautiful wavy hair too

I know i saw this baby yesterday, and that has made me want to buy this kit!! AMamzing job she has done, love the skintone and hair!

What a beautiful baby. Hair, eyes, mouth, skin…gorgeous!!!

Beautiful baby!!!

this is a beautiful baby. how do you get that skin tone? it looks so soft. those lips are so yummy!

What is that saying in Alc. Anon.–first you have to admit your obsession…or addiction, or something like that? I WANT that baby, too! I cannot help myself, I don’t have the power to overcome this. Please don’t cure me!

What can you say — that is perfection! Every little detail from the coloring and shading in her ears, to those gorgeous dewy lips and luscious hair! God – please let me get to that level someday - her work is amazing.