Have to say like these glass eyes from Here Bountiful Baby!!! working on two Thomas awakes here are my progress they are lovely cause they are different from the lauscha eyes but I really like them!progress pictures for customers.
They look to me as the real Lauschaer eyes; I get them directly from Germany from the Lauschaer company. There are other companies in Lauscha that make glass eyes, but these look to me as the real Lauschaer ones. Have to agree they are the best.
The dark green and the grey blue are the best in my opinion…They are like lauscha looking kind of…Not totally but they are new colors beyond the usual colors of lauscha…
Oh yes and the pupil and iris is a little more raised and I got really worried with how they looked out of the eye …when I got them in his eyes they fit way better in the socket better and they look awesome NOT FAKE OR DOLL like at all…I was wondering if anyone knows where to get the crystal blue eyes with the pale green near the pupil …I’ve seen this on another prototype artists dolls but have never found them…They look like they are lauscha however have never seen them sold on any site doll stores etc…