Lou Lou by J Kazmierczak

I have a blank Lou Lou- Advice- Do you think I should reborn her or sell her kit? I’m torn

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I’d wait and hold on to her until her awake version is available and decide


i thought about that too- but christmas is coming up…

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I think I’d paint her and sell her.

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I had the same delimma and decided to sell my blank. Fact is, overall a painted reborn sells lower now days than a sought after blank kit. So a blank kit is a guaranteed sale where as a finished one may or may not bring top dollar depending on the market and how your baby turns out.


That’s kinda what I thought (but man I wanna paint her!) but I think I will make out better if I sell the blank kit :expressionless:

Do what brings you joy :wink: you might not get another chance to paint her, but money is good too :moneybag:


I’d definitely paint and sell her

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The blank will sell faster!


Sad to say but I’m noticing that even sold out kits already painted just aren’t selling unless you under sell them :confused: What a shame. Everything you need to make these kits are more expensive then ever, including the kits themselves and sales are just not there, people want babies under $300, Its hard to sell even BB kits anymore for under $300 when the kits are almost $100 when you had the bodies, shipping and eyes if Awake. I’m really concerned.


I am too- eBay says they authentic things and they are so against copyright- but these China sellers are ALL over! I try to report as many as I can but I think it goes unnoticed :grimacing:

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Over the years I have seen “trends” in dolls “come and go”. Many years ago Porcelain dolls were very sought after (I used to make them) and they were very popular for many years and then they just kind of ‘faded out’. I personally think that is what is happening to reborns. They have been popular for the last 20 years or so and I think they are beginning to ‘run their course’-----and the knockoffs are killing the hobby too. JMO


That, and I think the silicones are beginning to replace them. More and more sculptors are making them. I’d love to have one myself but they’re way out of my budget.


ME TOO! I would love to own a silicone baby (specially if it was painted by “our Melanie”) but they are so far out of my budget it’s not even funny-----I will never be able to afford one of them. I can dream!!

@jeanhai are you going to ROSE next year? What do you think about this “smaller show” if they don’t have International flights open by then? I don’t really see what difference that should make, of course our international artists might not be able to come and that would be very sad but I don’t think that would impact the show to the point that they should make a “smaller show” one held NOT at Davis. I’m sure the tables would be “bought up” by other sellers so they wouldn’t lose money from that aspect. The only thing is if people are attending specifically to ‘meet’ some of the Well Known International Artists maybe they fear not enough people will attend the show-------Personally I don’t think that would happen. I like having the show at the DCC because the hotel is right there and you don’t have to worry about getting around. Even if your hotel is only a mile away it is a long walk in that horrible heat—or it is an extra expense if you have to rent a taxi etc. It’s my dang budget talking again. It’s hard enough for me to just make it to the show without having extra expenses. Just saying.

Wait until everyone sells their kits blank because they think they can make more money. And then when they sell those LouLous reborned they are going to have to ask a lot for them to make up for how much they paid for the kit. That’s when you can re-born and sell yours :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I want to but I’m not sure, at this point, if it will even happen next year. I haven’t heard about a smaller show. I really hope it’s at the DCC. I need to stay in the same place as the show or I can’t go. I have mobility issues and have to rent en electric cart just to get around inside. No way I can walk a mile. I can’t walk 100 feet.