Look Ladies, I'm Excited!

It is a pack of 6 but still more than Walmart, lol about $9.50 or so.

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Wish we had Wally World over here… :disappointed:

What a neat idea! Thank you for sharing @lynn x

I sure hope you can get a pink one, Lynn! Keep us posted!

I wish you had one, too, Star! Maybe you could order online? :smiley:

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Thanks Becca…You ladies don’t realize how lucky you are to have them over there…We have Target here and Kmart…and they have a Big W which is sort of like Walmart but not really…hahaha! :smile:


We used to also have a Kmart here but it’s long gone- I miss it, even though it was very similar to Walmart! If you ever visit I’ll take you to both of the Walmarts in my area :wink:

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I just was thinking of my granddaughter but these would work great to display my babies without cats claiming the spot! Going to have to grab a few…and one for Catherine. Westernstar, what would it cost to mail you one or how could I find out? Wondering if it would make it crazy expensive. Let me know and maybe I can give you an early Christmas present!


You are a very lovely lady and that is a truly beautiful thought but to post to Oz would cost a fortune because of the size…Even if the weight is low, they charge by size and weight… :disappointed: You are so lovely to have thought of us though and it means just as much to me as if you had been able to do it…Thank you :smile:


I GOT A PINK ONE, PIGLET!!! I make the man who was stocking stuff open another box and sure enough, there was a pink one, yeah!!!


Hurray!! Glad you got a pink one…and glad my granddaughter is in love with green and blue right now! Going to town tomorrow. And sorry, westernstar, that the postage would be too much. Bummer!

Yay LYNN!!!:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️ THINK PINK!

Thank you for sharing! I just got rid of my car seat, that felt like it weighed a ton! This will be perfect for those rare trips in the car.

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Got the kidlets 5 for Christmas. :slight_smile: 4 pink and 1 blue (they didn’t have 5 different colors and I have 4 girls and 1 boy)

I let them know that once they have their babies done they can use them for them as well. They are a little small for the big girls and they are over the weight recommendation BUT it was under $5 so whatever. LOL

My 3 yr old has sat his “Chris” (franken-monkey) in one next to him and they watched a movie. :smile:


That is seriously adorable!!! Good job Mom!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️