Logan - Fresh New Look

Took Logan off the market for awhile to give him a fresh look and presented him as a little boy, instead of girl. Rooted eyelashes. Added more weight. I like the new look. Hope you like him.


Aww he’s sweet :heart:

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Thanks you :heart_eyes:

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He is beautiful! I love ethnic babies but I am no good at painting them.

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I love him! He is adorable! I am always excited to see your babies.

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Beautiful boy!

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He is beautiful and so are your pictures.

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@pschomaker @kareninflorida @Evee @foxmom Thank you ladies :heart_eyes:


I love him. He is so cute!

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He’s adorable. Is that rooted or painted hair?

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Very cute. He looks like he could go either way to me.

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@huskerfan, thank you.

@CindyLouWho, his hair is rooted and styled with styling gel.

@DollyPardon, I think so also :hugs::heart_eyes:


What a cute Logan, Love him!!

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He makes a cute boy! Pictures are awesome.

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Like him as a boy.
I also liked your logo as it was before you turn it upside down and added butterfly to it.
I know you put lots of thoughts to me, but it’s just me :wink:

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He’s Beautiful, looks so creamy!! I’m working on a Logan as we speak and he’s not coming out all that well. Oh well, I’ll keep going.

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@aclovly @dinokc , thank you ladies!

@YelenaRey LOL, what can I say…I was trying to be oppositional. I wanted a girl but he does look better as a boy.

@lynn, don’t give up…keep going. Logan didn’t look good to me until the final stages.

Thanks K, I’m going to finish him even if he’s not great! Yours is gorgeous but then, ALL your babies are!!

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He looks amazing! beautiful tones