Local news tonight

My local news channel , will be doing a story on reborns tonight at 10pm. I will try to share the link once it has aired.


That’s great !!!

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Is it with @Rachyface ?

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They didn’t say on preview. How they look so realistic. They said how the police have to take a second look. And how they help people.


Yay. Finally we’re not all portrayed as crazy. lol


She posted on her facebook yesterday that Fox 8 in Ohio will be airing a story tonight at 10pm. So I am pretty sure it is her. :slight_smile:


Oh ok, then I guess it’s her. I’m in Ohio.


Are you in Ohio by chance? If it’s Fox news then it’s probably me. Lol


I cry if you the entire interview just to give you a heads up. I hate seeing myself on TV. Lol. We’re in the process of working with a few doctors and nurses and we are trying to get the Reborns to be used as therapy for dementia patients. They are doing a study to see how these dogs help and if they can get the study done then these will be able to be covered by insurance companies. So people will be able to get a prescription for a baby. It’s still in the beginning stages so keep your fingers crossed.


Yes, Richmond hts, ohio. The only news channel i watch, fox8 news!


Oh wow :grinning: this would be incredible!!! :pray:
My Granny has Alzheimer’s and she loves her dolls!! Anytime she sees a baby her eyes light up :two_hearts:

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That’s what we’re working toward but keep your fingers crossed. I assume it’s not going to be something that happens overnight it but we have a good team working together and Suzanne Stratford the news lady is going to back us all the way. The stories to help raise awareness and a friend of mine just started a dementia Friendly Center that’s almost like hospice but works strictly with dementia and Alzheimer patients. So hopefully between all of us we can get something done.


I will definitely pray about this!! My granny has had Alzheimer’s for over 10 years now so I’m all too familiar with the sadness this disease can bring. Any bit of joy is a treasure and as you already know these babies ARE therapeutic :heartpulse:


Wow that’s interesting and could be very helpful. I am actually a nurse myself and feel that these fabulous babies can be found to be very therapeutic. Hope this works out.


Somebody please link us up if possible.I would love to see this.

Honestly I just cringe when I hear about people doing interviews and such about reborns. Every time that happens, the market gets flooded even more with an influx of people cranking out sub-par dolls trying to make a quick buck.

That said, that’s just my thoughts on it. I don’t mean to downplay your own work. :slight_smile: I’ve just been doing this for so long that I know what happens when they get more press. lol

You did a fabulous job bringing awareness to people of how much these babies actually help people.Just watched the video on another thread and the elderly folks holding those babies brought tears to my eyes.Keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much.

Magnificent job, Rachel and Cathy! Beautiful babies, too.

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