Live BB Forum?!

Ok guys I posted about this some time back (not exactly this) but I want to put together a live BB session. If anyone is interested we could do like a paint and sip or a meet and greet where we bring a kit some paint and work on a kit together. We can share tips from what we have mastered or is mastering and get knowledge from others on what we need help with. It can be like a BB forum topic but live… anyone interested?? I can do it between NY and VA but willing to travel???


Interested keep me informed.

I’m curious if any of you are also from littel Rhode Island???

Aww man! I would love to, but I’m on the other side of the US! :frowning: Good luck!

This sounds fun! I’m in CA so maybe we can organize a west coast equivalent sometime!

Honestly I use to live in California I’m down to travel if we get more willing participants there. I just wanna learn and enjoy the process

This might be a crazy idea, and I’ve never tried it myself…but Skype has a group chat function for up to 10 people. Worth looking into maybe? Here’s a short video demonstration:


I don’t have Skype but that’s a good idea. I just feel like in person we can get a physical view

Oh, definitely- it’s a great idea! @Labindsaby is putting together something similar in San Antonio. I was just thinking about an option for those who want to hang out with others who are far away :slight_smile:


I love the Skype idea also I would be very interested but I would have to get Skype


I’m in Austin. I’d love to participate in your San Antonio get together

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It’s free to Skype :relaxed:

I’m in!