Listing on marketplace

I listed my yawning baby on marketplace and add shipping she sold in 10 minutes but I didn’t know you ship first after delivery 5 days later markeplace pays you I got to nervous about that so I cancelled the order did I do the wronge thing I tried to text the lady that brought her but haven’t heard from her I guess because I cancelled


I won’t be selling on there. I never ship a baby until the payment clears. That’s just asking to get scammed IMO. They’ve got the doll, can cancel the payment and you’re out both. I think you made the right decision.


Thank you

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I never sold on Marketplace, but seems that they operate like Mercari. You ship first, then buyer leaves the review for you, then you leave the review for your buyer, then you get money deposited to you.
I think you’ve made the right decision to cancel.


I feel I did too I had that funny feeling that says don’t do it I didn’t I’m going to list on reborns never list there before but I will now


I list on all the time. So far I’ve never had a problem. A couple of ‘poor me’ requests for free babies but never a problem with a sale.

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What a crazy requirement to have to mail out the item first, without getting paid! I’m glad you backed out of it.


Marketplace is just like mercari now.
Both of which have their issues.
I’ve bought several things on mercari with no issue (seller gets paid within 3 days after delivery if buyer doesn’t rate them first)
Problem with marketplace, is that while they operate similar to mercari, you can cancel a transaction on marketplace even if the seller already shipped, plus several are stating that marketplace isn’t depositing their payment when they are supposed to, having to wait days. I won’t be selling there