Liam from MacPhearsons

I ordered a Liam in the first round. When we got the notice of the problem with him, I thought I was chosing to wait but selected to get him in the first round which is okay. I received an inoice from McPhearsons for the $30 again (which had been paid when ordered). I have tried to contact them by email on two occasions to find out if this is a mistake or what but cannot get an answer. Has anyone else received an invoice for the $30 after the notice of the problem? Is his kits being mailed out yet? Thanks.

@MacPhersonCrafts , they are always super busy but Brenda will see this .

Yes! I got one too for my full 139.00 and I paid in full on the order day. I pulled my PayPal payment back up just to make sure. Haven’t heard .
Thank you brenda!.

What you received was simply a confirmation of your existing PAID Liam invoice as we are sorting hundreds of orders into two different categories. Otherwise the paperwork is a nightmare and we are giving you the courtesy of letting you know we received and responded to your choice. We are not asking you to repay the same invoice…but sending it to let you know we did our due diligence with your order.
Should you need to contact us in the future we ALWAYS see and respond to the Help Desk Help Desk
our e-mail is: but Help desk is always the place to go to get the quickest response.
hUgs Brenda


What you received was simply a confirmation of your existing PAID Liam invoice as we are sorting hundreds of orders into two different categories. Otherwise the paperwork is a nightmare and we are giving you the courtesy of letting you know we received and responded to your choice. We are not asking you to repay the same invoice…but sending it to let you know we did our due diligence with your order.
Should you need to contact us in the future we ALWAYS see and respond to the Help Desk Help Desk
our e-mail is: but Help desk is always the place to go to get the quickest response.
hUgs Brenda

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for contacting us!!!
hUgs Brenda XOXOXOXO

Thank you very much Brenda! Sorry for confusion.

if we ever do send any invoice it will have a button that says “Pay Now” to click and pay…
we also send a copy of your invoice when it ships out it is never asking to be paid again…only a copy of the original invoice
hUgs B


Lol. That would make sense as much as I have ordered I should know. :rofl::joy:

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