Levi, Levi, Levi

Everyone seems to love Levi. Facebook posts all over the place showing off their Levi’s. It’s never been my favorite kit but I thought I’d jump on that band wagon and create one. Since I’m almost finished I figure I’d look on reborns . com to see my compitition. There are 13 Levi’s for sale on there…I’m screwed.


Same here! I love his limbs. But don’t care for his face. But I felt like I was missing out so I decided to paint one. His face is actually turning out kinda cute. But I had to strip his limbs because he had pitting. The worst pitting I’ve ever seen! One leg has pits from toe to mid calf. I’ve never heard anyone mention flaws in his vinyl so I can just assume I got a random, bad kit. But it’s hard to get motivated to finish him when the market is already flooded with him. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I had some pitting on one of his feet but the rest is okay. Sounds like you got a really flawed one.

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I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Have you looked at all the one’s that have been sold? There are A LOT!


I don’t care for Levi at all-even though I love Bonnie Brown’s kits. However, I just watched the Grey’s Anatomy season finale and they totally used a Levi as “Luna”.


LOL I’m not fond of him and a lot are copying the lip and legs. I jumped on Saskia even though didn’t much care for her.She sold quickly and for good money even though there were many on reborns. Good luck.


He is so popular and I see why honestly he is so cute! The lip sucked in is not my fave but still super adorable. And I think a lot of Moms love Levi because his legs are the pose are newborns so when they first are born remembering the womb and I think that is just SO sweet!


I thought I was the only one that didn’t care for Levi, I guess not. I did the same thing last year, I saw how many were selling and jumped on the bandwagon. I’ve now done so many I don’t want to look at another Levi!!! They sell extremely well but I can’t paint something if my hearts not in it :slight_smile:


I think that is the attraction to him too. He is very newborn. It was actually kind of fun painting him very newborn looking with multiple colored, slightly heavier mottling and red undertones.


Oh No! I never painted him, but I have two for the future :frowning:

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I love Levi! I wanna say I’ve made atleast 9-10 of them! I love the curly legs and his sculpted face looks exactly like the picture of the real Levi. I love him :joy:


I dislike his face but love his limbs and the way the legs curve.
I have only made one that took a year to sell. Seriously, I don’t think he was that bad ! Not too high priced too. I will not take the chance to get stuck with an other one.

I’ve painted several Levis since his release. Even though I varnish before painting, I had issues with the last one I painted. I think that the mold may be compromised at this point and perhaps Bonnie needs to consider closing the edition.


I love Levi! I love his sucky lips and his limbs :slight_smile:

I love the limbs on this kit. He folds up beautifully… but I’m tired of him. I’ve seen every version imaginable and don’t think I can do anything different or better, so I have no desire to try.

I love Bonnie Brown sculpts, just seem to feel this way with every super popular kit.

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I’ve sold two Levi’s and both of them were my highest sellers on eBay. One brought in $862 and the other $816. And there were other Levi’s listed at the same time.

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I didn’t really care for him. I painted him once, his face still isn’t my favourite but he’s really nice to hold.

No pitting on mine

I had to go back and double check the next day because I watched it live and I thought it was Levi but wasn’t sure! It totally was! So cool to see him on Greys

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Love everything about Levi. I’d love to have another with open eyes though.