Levi Brown: anyone else notice?

That his head is kind of square shaped? I’m on my second Levi and I can’t help but notice that mine has a square looking head. Not sure I noticed this with the first Levi. Anyone else think his head is kind of square? He was once my favorite sculpt, but I don’t think so any more. :thinking:


LOL! I think every Levi has a head like this.

Ain’t nothin wrong with a square head. My youngest son has one. It makes a handy table. :woman_shrugging:t2:


The look on that biddie’s face! :joy:

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I think that’s the same chicken in both pics. For some reason he prefers that chicken with the black dot on its head. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


They look like good buddies!

He is so cute!

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He is so cute!

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@Katinafleming, your son is adorable! And so is that little chicken.


He does have a boxy head, but then so did my son. I made a portrait baby of him with Levi Brown a couple of years ago and he was perfect!


He’s adorable, Ann!

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I did an experiment. I baked Levi with his head standing up and then did it with his head laying on its side. When baked and cooled laying on the side, it was less square looking to me.

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Thank you, he really does look like my youngest son so I had to do it!

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