Letting go of kits

When you have more kits than you have life left to do them all, how do you decide which ones to let go? I keep thinking I should sell some of mine but when I go through them it’s like 'No, not her. No, I want to do him." Then I put them all back because I can’t find any I want to part with. LOL I guess I’ll just have to learn to paint faster.


I am going through that now. Some kits I wanted so bad, lol. :scream: I was going to put some up for sale but too much trouble.


I wish I had more kits than life :joy: this is such an expensive hobby I can only afford a couple at a time so I’m currently waiting for two to be delivered so I can start painting them :smirk:


I also just went through the I should sell a few so I can get other ones i want…then I end up doing the same thing lol! No, this is mine…oh this one is so cute can’t wait to reborn it…:joy::joy::joy::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: and that is how the kit hoard keeps growing :joy:


If I had a lot of kits, I would feel exactly the same way.

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I have a ton of kits, and I mean like hundreds. When we were thinking about downsizing it made me sad. I look at them and say no not that one. Some of my kits I have two of. I always say I will make that one at one point in time. My hubby said when we downsize he will make a she shed for a studio. So the struggle of hoarding is real. :wink:


I haven’t been reborning years but I enjoy doing it so much and yes the struggle of having a lot is already real I tell my husband I won’t order more than you ladies post such good deals I just have too!!
I think it’s even harder when you done sell them but just love having a nursery full… I’m thinking I’ll need an entire hospital wing just for the future kits!!
I’m only in my 50’s but my kids know with my medical issues that doesn’t mean much and they don’t want the struggle of having to sell once i pass away!!


That’s exactly my problem. I can get all the bins out and sort through them but the kits are there already because I love them so looking at them just makes me remember how much I still want to paint them. It’s hard to let go!


If I could afford to have some of the great artists on this forum paint mine, I think I would get a lot of them painted by them. I know I am not an artist in the beginning, but I do love the babies! :slight_smile: Due to illness, etc., I have not painted very many at all. I don’t want to sell the completed dolls, I have always just wanted them for me. Anyway, it is what it is. I am sure I will love any I do finish, as I do the ones I have finished. :slight_smile:


@jeanhai & Anne, PM me when you are ready to sell :wink:


There will be estate sales a plenty with baby kits and people will wonder what in the world is going on. Imagine that we set up a trust of sorts for the unused babies everyone who passes away provided to the trust and then artists could donate money for an unused kit. The money would go to our chosen cause/charity.


That’s actually a good idea.


Great idea I need to talk to my family!!


That’s a great idea. My family would probably just toss all of mine in the trash! They are all “thrower outers” and I’m a “keeper of all things interesting”! LOL

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My family told me that’s what they’ll do. I told them ‘Do whatever you want after I’m gone. Touch it before then and you’re going first.’ lol


Perfect! LOL

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If I had that issue, I’d probably feel the same lol
I buy kits that something about them speaks to me, some popular some not so much lol

I’ve already instructed my hubby that as of now, if something was to happen to me, that hes to get on this forum and make sure that any and all of my kits and supplies at the time goes to those who truly know their value and worth.
I would hate for them to be trashed or sold off like cheap toy dolls


I’m currently going through this process. I came down with a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis about a year and a half ago and have not been able to do much reborning although it has gotten better. I pulled out the larger kits that I know I could never do because my hands are not strong enough to handle those big old heads not to mention trying to root them. I then pulled out some that I had reborned before and did not have the inspiration to do them again. Plus I am running out of room. Since there is no way I could do all these kits I thought I would sell some of them and pass them to someone who would get some joy out of them. Now it is to figure out how and where to sell them.


Just list them on here. They’ll go quickly.


Listing here you’ll get then good homes right away!!