Let's talk about painting BB silicone kits

You might be interested in this video I put up today.

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Also, I have never been a fan of wrapping silicone in plastic. It does keep lint off but silicone needs to breath. I always wrap my silicone babies in a cotton hospital blanket and then wrap over that with a thick plush blanket to act as extra cushioning. You can also buy flour sack towels which are lint free and wrap the head in that.

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Thanks Iā€™ll watch it when I get a chance.

I wasnā€™t really thinking about the lint. I like to wrap my rooted hair with Saran Wrap because it keeps it in place. The only two silicones I shipped so far were cuddles with painted hair so I didnā€™t have to worry about it. Not sure what the best plan for a silicone with rooted hair might be? Maybe a towel just in the head would be more secure than a blanket? I just donā€™t want the hair rubbing around on something with movements and vibrations while travelling

That might be where a bonnet would come in handy. I sew the Pixie Bonnets for my babies for the show and they are super easy to sew.
I like using them on my bald babies too as I feel it helps protect the bare head.


I wrap my silicones with rooted hair in Saran Wrap and it isnā€™t a problem. I try not to touch the Saran Wrap to the face, just in case. I secure it on top with a decorative straight pin. So it stays in place.

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