Let's Show our Work, or WIP!

She’s very realistic!




You did an AMAZING job with this. You stole my heart for the day!


Thanks guys! :heart:

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Just started working on Realborn Jaxon. Still a long way to go, but I’m in love with his little face!


Finally completed Raine. I made a post of more pix.


I love her!, special babies are my favorite. Wonderful baby!

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This is my Rowan kit…my first AA baby but I really struggled with her skin tone…for days, and days!! LOL…I started with the primary method which worked really good until I got to the 3rd round of yellowbluered…Anyway, I still think she is too reddish even with the swamp green wash I put on her today. I need to clean up her creases and then she gets to sit on the rack and wait to be sealed and get hair. I think I need a new method but I do know how to make darker skin tones now which is good. I was afraid to go darker but maybe next time…and Ill need to look around for more tutorials ;).


Thank you…I don’t think I want to do another one anytime soon LOL

Looking good! I’m working on my very first ethnic as well. It’s so much harder and time consuming! I am excited to see the finished product :blush:

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Thank you :slight_smile:
I have some nice, naturally, black Suri Alpaca hair that I want to root her with. Ill have to finish up her little details and let her sit a bit (I use acrylics) before I can seal her and start rooting her…Im hoping I like her more after I put hair on her ;).

Hope to see your baby :slight_smile:

@RebornsbyZebra I use Liquitex. I do the primary method but on the 4th layer I mix the three colors together to get the Mother Color tone I want then apply that to the baby doing a couple of layers depending on how dark I want the baby to be. I have also done the r/y/b layers twice then the Mother Color. Some people mix the three colors together from the start to get the Mother Color and use that instead of doing the colors separate. I hope I am making sense. :grinning:

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Funny, thats what I did but It was on the 5th layer. The mistake I made was putting in Burnt Umber. I also use Liquitex btw and I have one tube of W&N, yellow ocre, and I still have some of my Jo Sonja paints that I use and a couple bottles of LDC. So after two layers of that she was still quite dark red so I mixed up some Raw Sienna, Yellow Ocre, and a bit of Ultramarine blue, that looked nice after two more layers but I still wasn’t happy so I put a bit of pink blushing on her cheeks and then the lovely swamp green wash and now Im happy, other than the colour buildup on the top and back of her head but her hair will hide that.
Thank you for your advice and Ill try just mixing the colours together next time :slight_smile:

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Well, can’t wait to see her!

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Just finished lips and nails… Getting ready to do veining on a couple more and I

have Landon and Dominic soaking in a bath… Ahhhh… so much fun!


I still have nightmares about melting kits. It’s happened for real two times. It has made me double check everything when I set the oven. You’ll definitely see color show up. Just don’t do what I did with my first few GHSP kits snd pverly color them. :smile: you can ask any questions you want and I’ll see if I can answer. :blush:

It is amazing how long it can take to paint a little bit of hair!


Very cute!! Great job!
I am still working on feeling confident enough to paint on a finished doll head. Its a bit more scary with acrylics because they don’t wipe off as easily as oils do. Im still working on my little Bambi practice head. My last one with prisma looked good so Ill try going over that with paint and see how I do, I hope mine can look as good as yours :slight_smile:


Thank you. I am pretty happy with the outcome. This is the first time I managed to not give a whole bunch of hair. I need more practice but there is another Christmas present waiting on hair plus 3 more in the process of being painted and two of them will get painted hair. Hopefully I will improve with each baby…


Thank you! A month or so and I will be starting my experiment. I think I will paint a belly plate to start as a test.