I was thinking that it might be very fun for several of us to do a baby togeather at the same time- kinda like some of the on-line classes only we all teach each other and no cost-I was thinking one of the new kits- and say start around the 15th-Well see if anyone is interested and will take suggestions for kit -Also if some one will set up a voteing pole we can then hold a contest and I will make a winners ribbon for the baby with the most votes !!!
Anyone want to do this ???
That would be fun , but I can’t afford one of the new kits right now Great idea tho’!!!
Well I was thinking that any of the new kits would be fine that way folks dont have to buy a kit they dont want or dont already have -as long as it was the new vinyl and a new born baby ?
I think this would be fun. I was woundering if anyone has skype on their computer? If they do it would be great seeing and talking with eachother as we work. And if someone runs into a problem we can actually see what happened.
I would love to do it with you ladies!
Yeah it would be fun. I was ordering a kit today anyways. Just need help picking one.
Can you send out a mass PM when you decide on the kit?
I think I would do it, too. I like the idea of Eliza. Maybe BB would judge the winner? Just a thought.
I HAVE SKYPE TOO!!! this sounds fun -I do not have an Eliza but do have several of the others so we could choose any of the new vinyl newborn kits as that way we well all be working on newborn skintones -I well need help figuring out how to use skype with more than one person as I have only used it at all just afew times !!!We will be using GHSP and color correcting the grey color -Please PM me if you are going to join the fun!!!
Cher, why not find out if people want to do the same kit and you can list the kits you already have. I think it would be fun to all do the same kit. Can we see what others think? Either way, I have to order a kit.
Sure thing I am open to anything -I have rosebud ,Genna ,Gaberial,Cozy,precious gift ,Spencer,Camron ans Kaylin-I had a refund for my expences from the IRDA conference come in and so was able to get these lil ones but -just cant buy anything else right now !!
That sounds fun but I don’t have skype and I just ordered two kits so I won’t be able to get another for a while. If this takes off tho I would love to be a part of it in the future!
I would go for another Gabriel or a Cozy. What are people thinking?
I was thinking of ordering Cozy. I’m in the process of reborning Gaberial right now and i’ll tell you he has been a hand full. I think i killed him 3 or 4 times but i was able to bring him back to life. LOL Ya know, i was upside down with that new grey color. When was this going to happen?
By the way how will the hair be done? Painted or rooted?
Ok -This sounds like it might work best if we all choose from say these 4 kits -Cozy ,Sienna,Precious gift or Eliza-Hair can be painted or rooted . I am going to do Cozy -This time around I think we well not do skype as I need to learn exactly how to do it with alot of people -so for this round -we well post WIP photos ok???
Sorry if this dosnt work for some but we can try to do something differently next go around
How often along the process should we post pictures?
Awww DebiC we get to do a baby togeather!!! LOL
Was wondering if ya all want me to post the paint colors I well be using ?
You can post pics at any stage but for sure as things move from one phase to another like :
flesh layers
veining /capalaries
blushing /creases
mouth /lips
skin texture
painted hair lines /fine hairs
not nessarly in that order
I well be out is afternoon so will answer any questions when I get back about 5 pm CA. time
I loaded the free version of skype to my PC. When you decide when to get started will there be a way to follow along while doing an alternative kit? I guess I mean can I get in on the conversation if I am not doing the same kit or will it be exclusive to the ppl doing the kit?