Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Well that makes me feel great. Thank you


Are you making your eyes to sell also? They are beautiful.

Here is my spark I call her Sparkles.
I am just getting back into my reborning.
Hope you liken her.


She is amazing!

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Thank you so much. It feels really good to be back.


Beautiful! I have been trying to get my hands on that kit for what feels like forever, I absolutely love how you painted them! They look magical


The last time I rooted in 2018 I made a pluggy mess because I rushed. This time I have all my reference pictures pulled up and am taking my time. It’s going much better, maybe even well enough to gift this doll to my coworker who loves reborns but only owns an Amazon counterfeit (she bought it before she knew me)


Wow these are gorgeous! I would love to pay you for a tutorial on how you make resin eyes, I learned to make acrylic eyes but it’s so finicky and requires equipment that I’m not too keen to shell out for if I like a different method better!

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There’s one on reborns dot com right now. Too rich for my blood, but I recalled seeing it there recently.

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Love those colors and her painted body! Those pink lashes! She is such a lady and she is amazing! :star_struck:

Looks good!

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Thank you, she was a fun kit.

It’s a bit (okay, a lot) out of my price range for a kit but if I ever win the lottery it’ll be my first frivolous purchase haha


That is crazy high!

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I agree.

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I have an extra, but my daughter wants to paint it. Sorry

Wow…she is sooo cute!!!

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No worries, I hope she has fun with it!

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Thanks. Yes, I will be selling some at DOTWE this summer. Anything left over I will post on my Instagram account.


Thanks so much. I won’t be making a tutorial anytime soon, I’m still doing a lot of learning myself. There are lots of YouTube videos to watch, they helped me learn about all the supplies I’d need and what to do. There’s a big learning curve and a lot of accidents I will say that so be prepared to waste a lot of product. The pros make it look a lot easier than it is. I’m still messing up every second pair for one reason or another :disappointed: finicky is definitely a good word.