Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

He looks so serene, I love the way you painted his lips.

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Thank you!:slightly_smiling_face:

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You might need to use @anjsmiles recipe and add cornstarch to the varnish?


In my experience ultra matte was shiny. I would not do another layer of that.


@pia I will mix some up and try it on the back of her head, I know I saved the recipe that was posted on here for it!

@jlesser oooh good to know that your experience with it was shiny. Did you have better luck sealing with a different varnish?

I use the normal matte one or soft touch when I can find it. I add a tiny bit of cornstarch also.

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Touched up Eric a bit…trimmed the eyelashes and gave him some facial hair :joy:


I also have a liquitex matte varnish that is GLOSS

It is crazy shiny. I bought it from a friend in Alabama. I am in Idaho. So I wonder if the difference in humidity and elevation effected the product. If I remember right it was slightly used when I bought it. Same with liquitex matte gel (also bought open from the same person). It was still matte but acted wayyyy different than the jars I buy here. So I used it to glue rope instead of using it on my reborn to glue hair.

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He is adorable!!! Love the lanuga!!!

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Thanks! I think he looks better now

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Lashes are perfect now!

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Finished Lucas Brace. His vinyl was doing weird stuff so I went way more newborn toned than I planned

And made this Twyla by LLE cuddle. I’m stealing her limbs for another Leandre by DMH. Isn’t she so cute!


Wow they look wonderful and the painted hair!:star_struck: I thought it was rooted!

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The HAIR!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Totally out of my comfort zone doing this big open eyed crawler, Brooklyn, not the prettiest sculpt but she is growing on me, need to set her eyes in properly and varnish her.


Love the NB coloring on Lucas! :blue_heart:
And Twyla is adorable.
Love your hair painting on both.


Love her valentine birthmark❤️

They are both gorgeous…. I love Lucas’ newborn coloring.

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Erica should be born tomorrow. The glue inside her head is drying so she is currently laying around with a carrot in her neck!


Not the WIP anymore as this donation Darren is already on the way to his little mommy - 7 y.o. girl who is fighting stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer for the 2nd time. The 1st time she overcome it when she was 4 y.o. She is a little fighter! :heart: