Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Working on those two


Vampire baby Absinthe, nearly done. She’s Heron Kitagawa with the eyes modified.


Love them both! :heart: :heart:

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@pia and @Leabelle loving both of your baby duos!

@CaliMel what a gorgeous vampire girl


Thank you!

Thank you, Cherie!

One girl! I think you are doing it.

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It’s been a while but I’m finally working on babies. Mila and Diego.


Oh, they’re just beautiful.

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Getting there…slight combover to cover her bald spot…and more on the sides to go…I can’t wait to put her together. Been about 18 months…lost my touch I think…:crazy_face: whatever touch I had to start with…:rofl:

I may work more on her brows…:angry:


Girl, you haven’t lost your touch one bit. Beautifully done!

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She is beautiful! :heart:

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Looks awfully good to me…. She will be gorgeous when you are finished!

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She’s looking pretty dang good to me, I haven’t done a doll in at least a year—I have probably lost my touch too Cherie!! She’s Beautiful, can’t wait to see her finished and dressed.

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She’s just darling. You haven’t lost your touch at all.

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You all are soooo kind!!!

I am fairly happy with her coloring…but her brows (and Charlie’s too) bug the heck out of me…i wiped them off too many times to count and then just got mad and baked them…meh…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


:smiley:those are so cute!!

Getting close to the finish line on these babies… surprisingly I think I see girls?


Yes!!! You have made them dainty and sweet…they will be beautiful girls!!!

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