Let’s show our WIP, part 3

This baby is a masterpiece! Don’t change a single thing! I don’t envy you having to choose a hair color :heart: Can you do one of each? :joy:

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just beautiful!

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Great job

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She is beautiful and looks so happy

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No baby making for me today. Last night I started this romper and worked on it all day today. I have the front done. I’m just starting the back then I’ll have the sleeves and all the finishing trim to do. It’s supposed to be newborn but to me it’s turning out slightly bigger. Unfinished it might be deceiving so I’ll see when it’s done what size it actually is. Sorry the picture is dark.


Started rooting Rosalie today! Just have the hairline done so far. Sorry for the horrible lighting and my dirty carpet she’s laying on :sweat_smile:


She is lovely :blush:

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Good night & Oh my goodness, She’s SO sweet !

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Working on eyebrows for little miss Levi! They will likely get permanently gelled down but are currently just held down with a teeny bit of water. I can’t paint hair to save my life but I can micro root sooo here we are. I will say they look less dramatic and bushy in person.


Wow, that looks really good!

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Thank you so much!!!

These are the best rooted eyebrows I’ve ever seen! Great job!

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Permanently Gelled the one down so I don’t have to worry about messing it up while rooting the other but I’m so incredibly pleased! (Also they are so much more subtle in person, my cell camera just can’t seem to pick up how subtle certain hairs are)


I am really new to reborning, but this is where I am at with my new baby! I am not sure about her skin tone, should I add more or is she ready for sweet spot blushing? (ps. I tried out a new light to see what she looks like in daytime time) Let me know what you think!


I definitely think you could start working on adding more depth and blushing and such! You can always layer more undertones in between!

Trying not to spam with these eyebrows but I’m really proud of them!


Spam away, I didn’t even know such brows were possible!

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Thank you so much oh my gosh!

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three more photos before I head to bed! Baby got both eyebrows and lashes! Though I’m going to root in a few darker lashes tomorrow. Threw her together for a few quick photos, and I am repainting her right arm currently so it looks a little different than the rest of her limbs. I truly forgot how much I love reborning and seeing a baby come to life!


How do you suggest I add depth? sorry it may seem like a stupid question i am just very new