Let me introduce myself! :)

Hi and welcome! Your babies are beautiful!

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Welcome! Your dolls are amazing! My oldest daughter wants to get into remaking bjds. Are you going to sculpt any reborns? I’m obsessed with fairies! :slight_smile: You should totally make some fairy babies for us to play with! :slight_smile:

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Welcome welcome welcome!

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Welcome to the BB Forum and to reborning! Love your little ones and think your Pixie is so adorable!!

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Welcome to the forum. I checked out you Flickr photos and I love your work. Awesome!

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Your babies are lovely :slight_smile:

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Shell, your artwork is amazing. I love the pictures of your pets too.

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Welcome to our family Shell----“nice to meet you”!! Your dolls are amazing, what are they made out of. Why do you have just the heads pictured? Do people pick out the head they want and you put it on a body? Sorry, Just not sure how you go about selling them. They are beautiful and so flawless you are a true artist and we are honored to have you with us!! It would certainly be VERY hard to pick one to buy!!

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Thank you all so very much!!! XXOO! I couldn’t respond earlier because my replies were limited. Is that because I am new or that I was talking too much?? LOL
It is so wonderful to feel so welcome!

@lynn The people who want face ups on their resin ball jointed dolls usually just send me the head or face plate to paint. Sometimes I do blushing on the body too. I sculpt the 3 inch clothed dolls out of a block of livingdoll clay. They are each one of a kind…so are the tiny bundle babies.

The reborning process is a challenge for me because I paint the resin dolls and the other types of vinyl dolls. I have to remind myself that the skin of a baby can be blotchy and not perfect! I love watching the process. It is so much fun. You ladies are all so talented and loving. I know I will learn a lot from you all!!!

@syndi I have 6 doggies and one cat! I was married for 23 years and when I got divorced I rescued a dog…then it turned into six! I sleep with all six of them! My instagram is shorty_biscuit if you want to see more dog photos! I have a ton. Here is what my couch looks like every day…

Thank you all for the warm welcome! xox


Shell,Thank you for adopting the dogs. What a lucky lady you are to have those adorable bed partners. I have two huskys and I simply love it when they join me in bed.

I love your dogs, I have a boxer that looks like the brown one laying on the seat. Is that a boxer? How do you get them ALL to nap at the same time??

Yep, he is a boxer mix. He was abused and he was terrified at first. Now he is a ball of joy! It is so funny because all six of them are on the same schedule. They even come up to me at night when I am working and stare at me to tell me it’s time for bed. :smile:

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Isn’t that the most devastating thing in the world? How can someone abuse an animal when they look to us for everything in their life, Love, food, shelter, people can be so cruel. Boxer’s are the most wonderful dogs, their personalities are out of this world. Mine is actually a mix also, rescued from the shelter. She’s my best friend and she’s getting old and having problems with her back legs now. It makes me want to cry. I love her more than anything!!

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Oh Lynn I know! It sickens me that a person can hurt an animal. I can not fathom it. I call my babies little pieces of God. I feel like they are the closet thing to Him on this Earth. They have it right! They know unconditional love. We can learn so much from them. We don’t teach them…they teach us!
I LOVE Boxer’s personalities. They are such fun! I feel so bad your baby is having issues with her legs. That is such a common thing with them and it’s heartbreaking.

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Oh Hi, I love your BJd they are adorable! Great work on the reborn babies too :blush: Great to have you here.

LMBO !! To freakin funny they all have thier cushion ! Love it !

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@Denise1988 Thank you Hon! I m glad to be here!

@Angel I know! They have really done a number to the cushions! :smile:

I love the couch! It looks a lot like mine.


OMG Amy, I love it! Look at all those babies, they all look so comfortable, including hubby!!!

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LOL! Thanks, Lynn! We love our pups!