Learning the reborn talk..for laughs only members beware

OKAY here I go again…
So this doll Puddin I have is really giving me problems…I named her Goldyloxxx…
Its funny because everytime I look at this doll she start crying …like get me the hell out of here…
So heres my sale pitch for her dont laugh…
I have a Puddin up for adoption.Her parents both are from France.Her dad studied at Harvard and her mother is a well known ballerina in Russia.Puddin cry in two languages one is French the other Russian.Shes in my care because during a plane ride back to France they left her on the plane .When they left I heard them say “She cry to damn much”.lol.So now shes stuck with me.Shes going for a good price but there will be a catch to this sale.I mean adoption…I require once you purchased this doll you need to take me to Walmart to buy a couple of things .Then treat me to Red lobster…■■■■ I might just give you the damn doll for freee…lol…this is just for laughs


Lmao poor Puddin!


Put her on your shoulder where she can’t see you…I mean where you can’t see her. Now pat her back. She stops crying almost instantly…so long as no one else looks at her she will be fine. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha! :joy::joy::joy: I’m getting a Sydney soon. Better not be crying in French & Russian! Lol!

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Lol. :joy:

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