Lavender. Now Bryce. Sneak peek

I have to do the full photo shoot. But I couldn’t resist sharing this one. I disliked this sculpt until I finished. Now. I think he’s adorable.


Oh I absolutely see his charm… great job!

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Thank you.

I honestly hated him all through painting. Lol! For some reason when I got him put together I fell in love with him. Funny how that happened.

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So sweet!

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He is so adorable :grin::heart:

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Handsome bub

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He’s so CUTE!!!

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I would fell in love with him too! :heart_eyes:

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Precious boy :blue_heart:

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Love him

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He’s adorable. I don’t say that about too many Lavenders, but I may have to get one now!

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So sweet!!

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Handsome boy.

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What a cutie!! :heart_eyes:

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He’s adorable and looks so real.

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Wow, that is an amazing Lavender. The face is so beautiful…and so all boy.

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Love him

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I’ve NEVER wanted a Lavendar - but yours, as a boy, has changed my mind! Great job!

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