Latest babies

Here are the 2 latest babies I’ve made using primary washes and powders. I went a little heavy in the red trying to get that pink look but I think they are cute. There is a few boo boos but hey I’m still learning.


@Chasityreborns May I ask what brand of the powders you are using and do you have any cracking issue after you applied varnish on top of them. I’ve read many posts here that powders created final varnish to crack that I am afraid to use them, especially if it will happen later when doll already shipped to a customer.

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I used the coastal scents. Some powder came off the boys lips when I was varnishing him. I tried fixing the best I can but you can tell. I think the point of the powders is to stain the vinyl and not lay on top of it so as you are applying washes it gets lighter so the color remains soaked in the vinyl and that’s what should be varnished over. I’m gonna try blushing earlier next time to see if that makes a difference.


Please let us know how it will work for you. Everything what I learned so far about powders is opposite - they should be applied as a last step before varnish.

Sue Ellen, the person I learned from said anytime and I am pretty sure does them early on. I do my creasing details first thing.

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You can always try Panpastels or other chalks, they do not crack. Ive used the Costal Scents on my ethnic babies but I use air dry varnishes…I have no problems.

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I use powders all through the process and I’ve never once had any issues with cracking.

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